Source Code

Aakash Kc

Software Engineer Graduate

About Me

Hi there, I'm Aakash! 👋

I am a Software Engineer Graduate currently working at JPMorgan Chase & Co. I recently graduated from the University of Warwick with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.

GitHub LinkedIn



A multiplayer 8 ball pool game using Node.js, Express.js and WebSockets.

  • Game physics: two-dimensional elastic collisions (ball-to-ball), vector mechanics and calculations.
  • Web server: dynamic web pages, user accounts, data storage, sessions, authentication, password security.
  • Real-time bidirectional communication of game state using Socket.IO.

A full stack twitter clone consisting of an Express.js REST API server and a React.js user interface.

  • API Server: RESTful HTTP interface, user accounts, NoSQL document database storage, JSON web token authorisation, account security.
  • Client: single page React.js application, material design, retrieves data from the server API.

A algorithm visualiser web app made with Vue.js that visualises common sorting and pathfinding algorithms.

    Pathfinding Algorithms:
  • Dijkstra's Shortest Path
  • A* Search
  • Sorting Algorithms:
  • Bubble Sort
  • Insertion Sort
  • Selection Sort
  • Merge Sort
  • Quick Sort

A PHP web application used to track the payments of bills that need to be split among multiple people.

  • Users create accounts which are stored securely in a database.
  • Normalised database with a many-to-many relationship.
  • Complex SQL queries with multi-table joins and protected from SQL injections and cross-site scripting


Notable University Modules
Other Interests


GitHub Link Autumn 2018 - Spring 2019

A multiplayer 8 ball pool game using Node.js, Express.js and WebSockets.

eight-ball Game Animated
Multiplayer gameplay showing two players connecting to a game.
eight-ball Game Physics Animated
Game physics showing two-dimensional elastic collisions.
eight-ball Dashboard
Dashboard Page
eight-ball Game
8-Ball Pool Game
eight-ball Leaderboard
Leaderboard Page
eight-ball Profile
Profile Page
eight-ball Physics Code
Physics code used to resolve collisions between balls.


GitHub Link Summer 2019 - Summer 2020

A full stack twitter clone consisting of an Express.js REST API server and a React.js user interface.

twitter-clone Dashboard
Dashboard Page
twitter-clone Tweet
Specific Tweet Page
twitter-clone Profile
Profile Page
twitter-clone Login
Login Page
twitter-clone NoSQL Code
Server code executing a complex NoSQL database query.
twitter-clone Ternary Operator Code
Client code using both a ternary operator and polymorphism to remove redundancy.


GitHub Link Summer 2020

A algorithm visualiser web app client made with Vue.js that visualises common sorting and pathfinding algorithms.

The visualiser can be found deployed at:

algorithms Dijkstra's Algorithm
Dijkstra's Algorithm Visualiser
algorithms A* Search Algorithm
A* Search Algorithm Visualiser
algorithms Bubble Sort Algorithm
Bubble Sort Visualiser
algorithms Insertion Sort Algorithm
Insertion Sort Visualiser
algorithms Merge Sort Algorithm
Merge Sort Visualiser
algorithms Quick Sort Algorithm
Quick Sort Visualiser
algorithms Quick Sort Code
Iterative Quick Sort algorithm Code


Website Link Spring 2020

BillSplitter is an application used to track the payments of bills that need to be split across multiple people and any other money owed to others.

A full description of the application can be found at the README.

BillSplitter Dashboard
Dashboard Page
BillSplitter Login Page
Login Page
BillSplitter All Bills Page
All Bills Page
BillSplitter Example Bill Page
Example Bill Page
BillSplitter Example Incomplete Bill
Example Incomplete Bill Page
BillSplitter Example Paid Bill
Example Paid Bill Page
BillSplitter Flash Messaging
Flash Messaging
BillSplitter Profile Page
Profile Page
BillSplitter Personal Profile Page
Personal Profile Page